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MIR (Mouvement International Russophile)

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MIR (Mouvement International Russophile) Empty MIR (Mouvement International Russophile)

Message  Vivre Enrussie Ven 9 Juin 2023 - 12:08

Russia-Bashing Blowback: The Birth of the International Russophile Movement (MIR)
By a special correspondent, with introduction by Pepe Escobar

It is my pleasure to present the first comprehensive, detailed report in English, written by an insider, about the International Russophile Movement, launched last month in Moscow.

This project, supported by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aims to counterpunch the relentless waves of Russophobia and cancel culture unleashed by the usual suspects since the start of the Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine in February 2022.

As readers will be able to verify, this is a multipolar information project that can become an inspiration for the Global South. The idea is to counteract arrogance and intolerance with an affirmative stance that is deeply rooted in culture, civilizational values and the vision of a more equitable system of international relations.

It’s time to change the narrative. Enjoy the ride (P.E.)

MIR (Mouvement International Russophile) MIR-PE-600x600

MANIFESTO of the founders of the International Movement of Russophiles

Russia has many friends all over the world. For historical, civilizational and cultural reasons, it causes sincere sympathy, respect and even love far beyond its borders.

Many people in the world, guided by warm feelings for Russia and the Russian people, are interested in its language and culture, strive for communication and better understanding with the Russian people, and are looking for reliable and ideologically unbiased information about the economic and political life of Russia.

These feelings, these interests and these aspirations deserve respect and all support. Guided by these warmest feelings for the Russian people, and also

taking into account the significant role and influence of Russia in the modern world;
declaring our respect for Russian history, language and culture;
being firmly convinced that mutual cooperation makes our peoples stronger;
expressing our conviction that without an active and well-intentioned dialogue with Russia, our global world is incomplete and unstable;
We, Russophiles of different countries, are creating the International Movement of Russophiles, and we will, through its constant strengthening and expansion,

promote the spread of Russian culture and acquaintance with its achievements;
help Russia’s friends all over the world, organizationally and methodically, in their activities related to Russia;
support the dissemination of reliable information about Russia and its attitude to topical issues of our time;
strengthen the “people’s diplomacy” of love and kindness, in defense of a multipolar, peaceful and harmonious world.
Through “people’s diplomacy”, Russophiles around the world can be extremely helpful to the cultural, economic and social institutions in their countries, promote the search for mutual understanding and work to overcome hostility, disinformation and distrust in today’s world of conflicts.

We, the founders of the International Movement of Russophiles, are convinced that there is no reasonable alternative to mutual respect and friendship between peoples, and we call on all those who perceive our initiative as necessary and useful for the world to support us by signing this Manifesto.

Vivre Enrussie

Localisation : Russie

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