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Front figé, la contre-offensive est-elle déjà terminée ?

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Front figé, la contre-offensive est-elle déjà terminée ?  Empty Front figé, la contre-offensive est-elle déjà terminée ?

Message  Vivre Enrussie Dim 13 Aoû 2023 - 12:50

De TF1 à CNN en passant par le Washington Post la réalité du terrain commence à être admise.
Front figé, la contre-offensive est-elle déjà terminée ?

Why a stalled Ukrainian offensive could represent a huge political problem for Zelensky in the US
One of Ukraine’s greatest tragedies as it pursues a critical offensive that has, so far, failed to meet its own and Western expectations is that it cannot, by itself, decide its destiny.

Slow counteroffensive darkens mood in Ukraine
But two months after Ukraine went on the attack, with little visible progress on the front and a relentless, bloody summer across the country, the narrative of unity and endless perseverance has begun to fray.

The number of dead — untold thousands — increases daily. Millions are displaced and see no chance of returning home. In every corner of the country, civilians are exhausted from a spate of recent Russian attacks — including strikes on a historic cathedral in Odessa, a residential building in Kryvyi Rih and a blood transfusion center in the Kharkiv region.

Alarm grows as Ukraine’s counteroffensive falters
There is growing alarm about the pace and prospects of Ukraine’s counteroffensive, with few signs of progress in recent weeks and Russian lines holding strong.

Those concerns picked up steam in the past week after Ukraine launched a second push in the southern Zaporizhzhia region and has still come up mostly empty in the eyes of Western allies.

U.S. officials told CNN on Tuesday that significant progress was “highly unlikely,” especially with fall and winter fast approaching. And another U.S. official told NBC News, “There is a frustration that they have not used more of the combat power that they have.”

The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft said in a “Time” magazine piece that Ukrainian forces are outmanned and outgunned and need a “Plan B,” which would include scaling back to focus on defense.

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), a former football coach, gave voice to the growing skepticism, comparing Ukraine to “a junior high team playing a college team” in an interview with Fox News this week, adding: “They can’t win.”

Despite the sobering assessments U.S. officials are making anonymously in the media, the Biden administration maintains that Ukraine will recapture Russian-occupied territory and ultimately triumph.

Vivre Enrussie

Localisation : Russie

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