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Russia Raises Stakes With Bold Strike On Danube Port

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Russia Raises Stakes With Bold Strike On Danube Port Empty Russia Raises Stakes With Bold Strike On Danube Port

Message  Vivre Enrussie Mar 25 Juil 2023 - 10:44

Russia Raises Stakes With Bold Strike On Danube Port

When Russia began its large strikes on Odessa, we all wondered how far the Russian MOD would take things. We saw maps like the following, showing all the container ships heading up the Danube toward Ukrainian ports bordering Romania, and wondered whether Russia would strike those, being so close to the borders of a NATO state:
Russia Raises Stakes With Bold Strike On Danube Port

This is a major deal because it demonstrates a new hardline posture from the Russian MOD. Not only did they strike objects literally right on a NATO border, but even seemed to damage grain ships, which may belong to NATO countries.

This was clearly done to send a strong signal meant to convey Russia’s seriousness in rejecting the grain deal.
The most significant take away is the fact that he appears to imply that Belarus would be forced to react militarily to any Polish annexation of western Ukraine. The stated reason is that Belarus is already surrounded by the Balts and Poles on east and west, and he cannot allow the state to be strategically compromised from the south as well.

This is not just lip service, we can see from a map that Poland on Belarus’s southern border puts all of western Belarus, most critically the city of Brest and surrounding regions, in a potential pincer should Poland choose to attack in the future:
Russia Raises Stakes With Bold Strike On Danube Port
The past few days has seen a renewed Ukrainian offensive effort in the Rabotino-Orekhov direction. You know it’s a “serious” try when they begin to once more use the top NATO gear like Leopards and Bradleys, rather than the probing strikes with MaxxPros and such.

The attacks were again repulsed by Russian forces with horrific losses to the AFU. There are literally dozens of videos of armor losses with many confirmed new Leopard 2s and Bradleys destroyed.

Vivre Enrussie

Localisation : Russie

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