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AP Obfuscates The Real Grain Deal Numbers

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AP Obfuscates The Real Grain Deal Numbers Empty AP Obfuscates The Real Grain Deal Numbers

Message  Vivre Enrussie Sam 15 Juil 2023 - 18:30

AP Obfuscates The Real Grain Deal Numbers
While the AP assertion that more than half of the grains goes to 'developing countries' is technically correct, it does not really say anything useful but obfuscates the real numbers.

The total of Ukrainian grain exports to the eight 'least developed' countries, of which seven are also 'low income', was just 1,896,077 metric tons or 6.8% of the total. For comparison Spain, a 'developed country' with 'high income', imported a total of 5,980,657 metric tons of grain from Ukraine which is a whooping 19.4% of the total.

The 116 million people in 'developing', 'low-income' Ethiopia received a total of 282,760 metric tons while the 17.8 million people in the 'developed', 'high income' Netherlands bought 1,920,649 metric tons of mostly corn feed for pigs.

Most exports of Ukrainian grain only go to countries 'where millions are going hungry' if one adds chicken, pigs and cattle in medium-rich to rich countries to the count.

AP Obfuscates The Real Grain Deal Numbers Untable1

Vivre Enrussie

Localisation : Russie

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