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SITREP 6/30/23: Winds Gather Before the NATO Summit

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SITREP 6/30/23: Winds Gather Before the NATO Summit Empty SITREP 6/30/23: Winds Gather Before the NATO Summit

Message  Vivre Enrussie Sam 1 Juil 2023 - 9:34

SITREP 6/30/23: Winds Gather Before the NATO Summit

These developments converge with the ever-tightening pressure on Ukraine to generate some results before the offensive season is wrapped up this year. According to some, there are upwards of 4 months remaining, though it may be much sooner as October could bring another mini-Rasputitsa that will begin hampering all offensive operations."
"That all being said, there is a growing storm on the horizon. There continue to be new developments regarding NATO’s buildup of Poland and other Russian-hating ex-Warsaw Pact/USSR orbit states. Let’s run down a few of the latest."
"Keep in mind it’s already 4 weeks in, so I guess there’s not much time left.

The point is to say that NATO is completely stumped. Weened on their ‘Air-Land Battle’ doctrine privileging airpower and deep strikes to the rear, they have no clue how to fight this kind of war. This is why it’s inevitable that Ukraine will soon turtle up and resume more of the political and psychological aspects of the hybrid/4gw side of the warfare. This will of course mostly revolve around new terror attacks and falseflags like the planned ZNPP strike."

SITREP 6/30/23: Winds Gather Before the NATO Summit

SITREP 6/30/23: Winds Gather Before the NATO Summit

Vivre Enrussie

Localisation : Russie

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