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Oliver Stone Reveals a Vulnerable Putin - Robert Parry

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Oliver Stone Reveals a Vulnerable Putin - Robert Parry Empty Oliver Stone Reveals a Vulnerable Putin - Robert Parry

Message  Vivre Enrussie Mar 13 Juin 2017 - 10:16

"What the savvy Putin understands is that Stone will face recriminations in the United States for treating the Russian president with any degree of respect and empathy.

In modern America – the so-called “land of the free, home of the brave” – a new media paradigm has taken hold, in which only the official U.S. side of a story can be told; any suggestion that there might be another side of the Russia story, for instance, makes you a “Putin apologist,” a “Moscow stooge” or a disseminator of “propaganda” and “fake news.”

Harsh Reviews

And Putin was not mistaken. The early mainstream media’s reaction to Stone’s interview series has concentrated on attacking Stone for not being tougher on Putin, just as Putin expected."
Robert Parry, June 12, 2017

Vivre Enrussie

Localisation : Russie

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