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La "répressions des gays" en Tchétchénie

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La "répressions des gays" en Tchétchénie Empty La "répressions des gays" en Tchétchénie

Message  Vivre Enrussie Jeu 20 Avr 2017 - 8:23

Depuis plus de deux semaines il y a une campagne de presse avec comme sujet la "répressions des gays" en Tchétchénie.
Cette "nouvelle" est régulièrement reprise par différents journaux comme pour la "garder sur la première page".

Ici le blog "Russie politics" fait le point et signale que l'association "Gay Russia" porte plainte:

Répressions homosexuelles en Tchétchénie: Gay Russia porte plainte contre la presse pour diffamation
La "répressions des gays" en Tchétchénie %25D0%25A1%25D0%25BD%25D0%25B8%25D0%25BC%25D0%25BE%25D0%25BA%2B%25D1%258D%25D0%25BA%25D1%2580%25D0%25B0%25D0%25BD%25D0%25B0%2B%252861%2529

Voici la "journaliste" derrière cette histoire:
Elena Milashina with her International Women of Courage Award at the U.S. Department of State in Washington on March 8, 2013
La "répressions des gays" en Tchétchénie Elena_Milashina_IWOC_award_2013

Dernière édition par Vivre Enrussie le Jeu 20 Avr 2017 - 8:40, édité 1 fois

Vivre Enrussie

Localisation : Russie

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La "répressions des gays" en Tchétchénie Empty Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov responds to western accusations of ‘gay killings’

Message  Vivre Enrussie Jeu 20 Avr 2017 - 8:34

Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov responds to western accusations of ‘gay killings’

“The Western and European special services over the years did every possible and impossible thing to destroy Russia as a sovereign state. They chose the Chechen Republic as the stage for their game”.

The propaganda war against Russia continues, and what better way to poison western minds against Putin and Russia than to play the LGBT persecution card.
“We continue to be disturbed by reports of kidnapping, torture and murder of people in Chechnya based on their sexual orientation and those persecuted by association.”
“If true, this violation of human rights cannot be ignored – Chechen authorities must immediately investigate these allegations, hold everyone involved accountable, and take steps to prevent future abuses.”

Vivre Enrussie

Localisation : Russie

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La "répressions des gays" en Tchétchénie Empty Re: La "répressions des gays" en Tchétchénie

Message  Vivre Enrussie Ven 5 Mai 2017 - 17:59

CHECHNYA. The NYT, quoting Novaya Gazeta, had this story: “Chechen Authorities Arresting and Killing Gay Men, Russian Paper Says“. Mark Ames, who holds to a quaint belief in the value of research, tells us this about the source. Hmmm…. НГ, NYT and Alekseyev. Not very reliable sources say I.

By Mark Ames
...So finally the Novaya Gazeta correspondent asked Alekseyev straight up: Is he aware that his gay parade petitions incited local investigations in the North Caucasus against LGBT activists—leading to mass arrests and murders in Chechnya?

Alekseyev answered by accusing the Novaya Gazeta reporter of “speculating in unsubstantiated information, acting on baseless rumors, and he personally knew nothing about alleged persecutions that had anything to do with what he’d done.”

Novaya Gazeta, whose reporters have been at the forefront of the fight for gay rights in Russia, concluded that at the very least, Alekseyev was guilty of incredible negligence for not taking the local culture into account—and the lives of local gays in the North Caucasus. At the end of the article, they noted that other Russian LGBT groups were forming hotlines and outreach programs for victims of the anti-gay crackdown in Chechnya and surrounding regions. They noted that was not participating.

So where, alas, did the New York Times coverage diverge from Novaya Gazeta’s? As I said earlier, they did bring up in this article and others that the Chechnya crackdown was sparked by Nikolai Alekseyev’s gay parade petitions. But if that’s all you knew, you’d assume he was a gay activist with the same progressive politics as any gay pride parade activist in Europe. And you’d assume, therefore, he’s the good guy in this story.

And since every story involving Russia needs a bad guy, you can probably guess who the New York Times pinned this on. Here’s a hint: Pinning everything that’s gone wrong in the world on Vlad The Bad just won the Times a Pulitzer. Why mess with a winning formula?

By Mark Ames

Vivre Enrussie

Localisation : Russie

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La "répressions des gays" en Tchétchénie Empty Riding the “Chechen Gays” scandal on a Unicorn

Message  Vivre Enrussie Lun 22 Mai 2017 - 8:06

Riding the “Chechen Gays” scandal on a Unicorn
In spite of Chechen law enforcement being the main aim of the scandal, I am convinced that the true target of this orchestrated psy-op is the FIFA Football Championship that is scheduled to take place in Russian in June 2018.

Just like back in 2014 Winter Sochi Olympic Games became a target for “gay rights” activists in the West, who protested days before the Winter Olympics was scheduled to begin in the southern resort of Sochi.

Remember all those calls for boycott of the Sochi Games because of the Russia’s law prohibiting gay sex propaganda to children?

The 2018 FIFA World Cup championship in Russia fast approaching with the set dates from June 14, 2018 to July 15, 2018. Naturally, to poison this festive and peaceful sports event an old homosexual card is being played once again, since there is still time to prey this championship from the Russian hands.

Vivre Enrussie

Localisation : Russie

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La "répressions des gays" en Tchétchénie Empty Re: La "répressions des gays" en Tchétchénie

Message  Vivre Enrussie Lun 22 Mai 2017 - 8:08

Billet d'humeur: #StopDonbasPersecution
La crème du nombrilisme politico-humanitaro-culturel a trouvé une nouvelle cause. Quelle chance, ils découvrent qu'il existe un Donbass, quelque part au-delà des frontières de leur monde. Et dans cet étrange chose appelée Donbas, des gens souffrent. Mais puisque des gens souffrent: ce sont des LGBT martyrisés par des monstres pro-russes pas vraiment humains, eux. Le pire est qu'ils sont sérieux, enfin autant que ces individus préoccupés d'eux-mêmes puissent l'être.

Suite à la campagne lancée contre la Tchétchénie au sujet de la soi-disant persécution homosexuelle, dont les preuves n'ont toujours pas été apportées, mais qui a déjà conduit à l'action en justice des Gays de Russie contre Novaya Gazeta, le journal d'opposition qui a lancé l'opération (voir notre article à ce sujet ici), des gens très préoccupés de notre bien-être et de notre bonne façon de penser lancent une pétition, accrochez-vous bien, pour mettre fin aux persécutions homosexuelles en Tchétchénie ... et dans le Donbass.

Vivre Enrussie

Localisation : Russie

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