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This Time It's Not Putin: Ukraine Flirts With Political Suicide

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This Time It's Not Putin: Ukraine Flirts With Political Suicide Empty This Time It's Not Putin: Ukraine Flirts With Political Suicide

Message  Vivre Enrussie Mer 23 Déc 2015 - 16:54

This Time It's Not Putin: Ukraine Flirts With Political Suicide - Bloomberg

Who needs Vladimir Putin to knock Ukraine off its post-revolutionary path? The nation’s current rulers are managing by themselves.
While the Russian president’s new focus on Syria has helped soothe the conflict in eastern Ukraine, offering a window for reform and recovery from a recession, the administration in Kiev is being overrun by internal squabbles. This month’s fist fight in parliament and an expletive-filled clash between a minister and a regional governor underline discord that’s threatening to sink the government and derail a $17.5 billion International Monetary Fund rescue. The next flash point will be a vote on the 2016 budget.
With memories of the failed Orange Revolution still fresh, Ukraine risks letting internal disputes hijack the second attempt in a decade to break free from its communist past. Reformers are clashing with the vested interests that control swathes of the economy, a target of the protesters who dislodged the country’s pro-Russian leader in 2014 demanding European-style transparency. Dangers to the IMF bailout and billions more in aid from ally nations are reflected in surging bond yields.

Vivre Enrussie

Localisation : Russie

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