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The Crisis in Ukraine: Root Causes and Scenarios for the Future

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The Crisis in Ukraine: Root Causes and Scenarios for the Future Empty The Crisis in Ukraine: Root Causes and Scenarios for the Future

Message  Vivre Enrussie Mar 28 Oct 2014 - 10:04

The Crisis in Ukraine: Root Causes and Scenarios for the Future

The report “The Crisis in Ukraine: Root Causes and Scenarios for the Future” was prepared by the Valdai International Discussion Club based on contributions from the research papers by Ukrainian and Russian experts, as well as materials from the Club’s roundtable discussions in Berlin and Paris, held in spring, 2014.

The paper offers the analysis of the premises and root causes of the crisis, internal as well as external, the assessment of the position of the main actors involved in the conflict. The final part of the report is dedicated to 4 possible scenarios from the most dramatic to the most optimistic, which could under favorable conditions and demonstrated political will by the participants satisfy all the stakeholders.

The report doesn’t aim to offer a universal solution of the problem but rather to allow the readers to get a in-depth overview of what happened and is happening in the largest country in Europe, and to form their own independent opinion.

Project Director - Pavel Andreev, Executive Director, Foundation for Development and Support of the Valdai Discussion Club, Associate Editor- Gayaneh Seiranyan, PhD (History).

Vivre Enrussie

Localisation : Russie

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