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Die Welt: Ukrainian media do not verify the credibility of the information coming from Ukrainian security forces

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Die Welt: Ukrainian media do not verify the credibility of the information coming from Ukrainian security forces Empty Die Welt: Ukrainian media do not verify the credibility of the information coming from Ukrainian security forces

Message  Vivre Enrussie Mer 24 Sep 2014 - 11:01

The German newspaper points that many declarations of Ukrainian militaries are of unclear origin and are being published without any verification of the facts.
The newspaper gives several examples. Particularly, in August, the representative of the Information Centre of the Council of National Security and Defense Andrei Lysenko reported the destruction a "Russian military convoy" by the Ukrainian army without providing any proof, and in early September Euromaidanpress site wrote that Russia has annexed Lugansk and introduced the Russian money and Russian passports. The site referred to some representative of the Bundestag, whom Welt am Sonntag has asked for comment later. "I've never been in Lugansk" - the publication cited him.
Most of the press in Ukraine does not verify the credibility of declarations of the Ukrainian army, says Die Welt noting that many news concerning the combat actions are reported by Dmitry Tymchuk, former Ukrainian military. "However, it is unclear where exactly he receives the information. We have a suspicion that Tymchuk is being used by Kiev to influence the public opinion", the newspaper says.

Vivre Enrussie

Localisation : Russie

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