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Georgia to Campaign Against Sochi Games

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Georgia to Campaign Against Sochi Games Empty Georgia to Campaign Against Sochi Games

Message  Vivre Enrussie Mar 23 Nov 2010 - 0:14

22/11/2010 -
Georgia is preparing a campaign against the Winter Olympics 2014 in Sochi, developing as-yet unspecified measures that analysts warned might fuel violence in the Caucasus.

Three committees of the Georgian parliament met behind closed doors last week to discuss the campaign, which may call on the international community to relocate the games for security, environment and historical reasons, news reports said.

“We should take all possible efforts to inform the international community and seek for relocation of the Olympics from Sochi to a different venue,” lawmaker Shota Malashkhia said, news site reported.

The parliament said on its web site that the committees are supposed to develop elements for the campaign that will be submitted to the entire chamber for approval.

Lawmaker Nugzar Tsiklauri said talks were already being held with Chechens, internally displaced people and Abkhazia's exiled government, reported. He did not elaborate.

Malashkhia said a full-scale international boycott of the Sochi Olympics was “highly unlikely,” but added that Georgia hoped to receive support from the European Union, which has criticized Russia's policy toward Georgia.

Georgia, which fought a five-day war with Russia after attempting to retake its breakaway province of South Ossetia in 2008, appealed in November that year to the International Olympics Committee to relocate the Olympics from Sochi because of the possibility of conflict in neighboring Abkhazia, another separatist region. The committee ignored the request.

Maxim Agarkov, an analyst with the SK Strategia think tank, said a peaceful campaign against the Olympics was not likely to bear fruit because all possible damage to Russia's image in the West has been already done.

“The only possible option is destabilizing the situation in the region,” Agarkov said by telephone, adding that Georgia could use existing local ethnic conflicts and separatists to influence the situation.

Moscow has accused Tbilisi on numerous occasions of supporting Islamist rebels in the North Caucasus, but no concrete evidence to back up the claims has surfaced.

The 2014 Winter Olympics have been opposed by various groups, including environmentalists and the Circassian diaspora. Circassians, a Muslim indigenous people from the northwest Caucasus who scattered across the globe after a 19th-century massacre that left about 300,000 of them dead around Sochi, have compared the plan to hold the games in the city to staging the Olympics in the Nazi death camp Auschwitz.

Vivre Enrussie

Localisation : Russie

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Georgia to Campaign Against Sochi Games Empty Sotchi 2014 : La Géorgie réactive ses attaques contre la Russie pour destabiliser le Caucase et perturber les jeux olympiques . .

Message  Vivre Enrussie Jeu 25 Nov 2010 - 8:09

24/11/2010 -

Alors que les médias se font l'écho de l'allocution de M. Saakachvili devant le Parlement de Strasbourg et à son interview accordée à l'Atlantiste rabique Pierre Rousselin dans son blogue du Figaro - qui ne fait de facto que relayer sa propagande , M.Saakachvili jouant desormais dans le registre comediante aprés celui de tragediante - l'activisme des autorités Géorgiennes pour perturber le bon déroulement des Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de 2014 à Sotchi continue .

J'avais déja évoqué dans les colonnes de ce blogue l'intention des autrorités politiques et militaires Géorgiennes de perturber la tenue des JO de Sotchi en réactivant la question du séparatisme Circassien ou Tcherkesse à la suite d'une réunion qui s'est déroulée à Tbillisi en Mars 2010 et organisée par la Jamestown Foundation .[ 1 ]

A la fin de cette conférence , les participants [ Un véritable inventaire à la Prévert depuis Sophie Sihab de " Le Monde " jusqu'au conseiller pour le Caucase et l'Asie Centrale d'Avidgor Lieberman , Avraam Schmoulevitch , ( Site - Livejournal] en passant par Oleg Panfilov et l'ex agent de la CIA Paul Goble * ] en avaient appellé au parlement Géorgien pour que celui reconnaise l'exode des Circassiens-Tcherkesses consécutif à la victoire militaire Russe comme étant un génocide .

La suite:

Vivre Enrussie

Localisation : Russie

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